Prime Minister Modi Opens 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, highlighting India’s role in global food security and sustainability.
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Prime Minister Modi Opens 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, highlighting India’s role in global food security and sustainability.
India Advocates for Global Food Standards at Codex Alimentarius Commission: Focus on spices, vegetable oils, and sustainable practices at FAO HQ in Rome.
UN Secretary-General Warns of ‘Climate Hell’ as May Sets Temperature Record. Urgent call for action as warming nears 1.5°C threshold.
Infectious Disease Risks Extend Northward as Temperatures Rise. Climate change spikes Lyme disease in Canada. Geneticks lab aids in testing and public health.
Studies Suggest : 170 Bison Herd Could Offset CO2 Equivalent To 2 Million Cars. Wildlife conservation proves crucial in battling climate change.
UN Climate Chief Warns Us All ! : “Two Years To Save The World” He Says. Urgent global action needed to curb emissions and …
UN Reports The Sad Reality: 783 Million People Face Chronic Hunger Still The World Wastes 19% Of Its Food. Urgent action needed on food …
Japan is known for always being innovative and being ahead of the world in technology and other industries. To tackle this problem of heatstroke …
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