Home Health National Health Service Release a Report: UK Under Serious Concern

National Health Service Release a Report: UK Under Serious Concern

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The king’s Fund charity compiled a report on cited Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development data where they compared the health systems of 19 countries and found that UK underperformed and has the worst fatality rates when ti came to strokes and second- worst for heart attacks.

The report that was released to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the National Health service (NHS) cited that UK’s performance on key health metrics is a “serious concern”.

The Associationof the British Pharmaceutical Industry commissioned the report which stated that “It should be a serious concern for political leaders and policy-makers that the UK health system continues to fall behind so many of its peers, The UK performs worse than many of its peers on several comprehensive measures, including life expectancy and deaths that could have been avoided through timely and effective health care.”

Canada and netherlands have been ranked the best in performance by this report.

The report’s author Siva Anandaciva stated that, “On healthcare outcomes specifically, both for the outcomes that a system can control and those wider measures that rely on services that keep us healthy…we lag behind our peers, we are not by any means where we should be.”

The report also found that the UK has a “strikingly low number of both nurses and doctors per person compared to its peers”, and wasalso lagging in terms of capital investment and equipment.

The report also detected that UK has a “Strikingly low number of both nurses and doctors per person compared to its peers” and also lagged in terms of capital investments and equipment.

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