Home Science and technology Flying Car Takes Off in Tokyo, Wows Spectators

Flying Car Takes Off in Tokyo, Wows Spectators

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In a groundbreaking display of technology, a flying car soared into the skies over Tokyo for the first time during an international event. This significant moment unfolded at the SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 event, held outside the Tokyo Big Sight convention centre in Koto Ward. The demonstration, which attracted around 500 spectators, marks a significant milestone in the evolution of transportation.

The flying car, known as Hexa, is manufactured by U.S.-based Lift Aircraft Inc. With its 18 propellers and single-seat design, the vehicle hovered approximately 10 metres above the ground, captivating the audience with its innovative flight. Measuring 4.5 metres in width, 2.6 metres in height, and weighing about 196 kilograms, the Hexa embodies the potential future of urban mobility.

A Glimpse into the Future of Transportation

Flying vehicles like the Hexa are being hailed as the next frontier in human transportation. They promise to alleviate traffic congestion and provide critical support in disaster scenarios by delivering supplies to hard-to-reach areas. The Tokyo metropolitan government, along with event organisers, emphasised the transformative potential of these vehicles.

The Hexa’s inaugural flight is part of a series of demonstrations scheduled throughout the week. It will perform twice-daily flights on Saturday, Wednesday, and Thursday, each lasting approximately 15 minutes. Spectators can witness these flights for free, providing a unique opportunity to experience cutting-edge technology firsthand.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike expressed her excitement about the event, highlighting the importance of making advanced transportation technologies accessible to the public. “I want more people to experience this cutting-edge technology,” Koike stated during the maiden flight ceremony. “I look forward to flying cars becoming a normal means of transportation.”

As the Hexa soared above Tokyo, it not only demonstrated the capabilities of current technology but also sparked imaginations about the future of urban transport. The event underscored the ongoing advancements in aviation technology and set the stage for a future where flying cars might become a commonplace sight in cities worldwide. With continuous improvements and increased public interest, the dream of everyday flying cars is steadily becoming a reality.

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