Meet the Man Who Introduced Bots to Concert Ticket Buying: Ken Lowson’s creation revolutionized the resale market, frustrating concertgoers.
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Meet the Man Who Introduced Bots to Concert Ticket Buying: Ken Lowson’s creation revolutionized the resale market, frustrating concertgoers.
Celebrities Who Lost Homes in California Wildfires: Tragedy Strikes Again in 2025 as fires devastate properties, including Paris Hilton’s.
Squid Game Season 2 Coming Back with a Thrilling Return and Fresh Twists, debuting December 26 with new characters and gripping drama.
Karla Sofía Gascón Shines in Dark Fairy Tale ‘Las Malas’ starring as Aunt Encarna in this Spanish adaptation of Camila Sosa Villada’s novel.
Sony’s Marvel Universe Reaches its End with Kraven The Hunter as SPUMC collapses after failed films like Madame Web & Morbius.
Katy Perry’s ‘Lifetimes’ Tour Set to Hit Canada This Summer, with performances in seven cities including Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal.
Isabel May Joins Neve Campbell in ‘Scream 7’ as Sidney Prescott’s daughter. Directed by Kevin Williamson, it premieres February 27, 2026.
A thought experiment: What makes Taylor Swift such a global sensation? Examining her music, fan connection, branding, and cultural impact.
With Trump Returning as President, How Might Music Change? A new term could spark shifts, potentially reviving protest-driven genres in response.
Universal Horror Unleashed to Open Year-Round in Las Vegas in 2025, offering spine-chilling haunted houses and immersive horror experiences.
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