Home Education Over 90,000 US Student Visas Granted to Indian Students 

Over 90,000 US Student Visas Granted to Indian Students 

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In a remarkable streak for the third consecutive year, Indian students have achieved an all-time high in securing US student visas, reaffirming India’s status as a global leader in international education. As per reports, the US Embassy in India has issued 90,000+ student visas this year, throughout the summer months, i.e, June, July, and August.

India as the Second Largest Source of International Students in the US

This feat solidifies India’s position as the second-largest source of international students for US institutions, trailing only behind China. The surge in student visas is a testament to the unwavering determination and academic ambitions of Indian students who aspire to pursue higher education in the United States.

While India continues to grapple with a backlog of B1/B2 visitor visa interviews, the US Embassy has taken exceptional measures to ensure that student visa processing remains swift and efficient. Through a combination of teamwork and innovative approaches, qualified applicants have experienced minimal delays in obtaining their visas, enabling them to embark on their educational journeys without disruptions.

Record High Approvals

This achievement comes on the heels of an announcement by a United States embassy official, who earlier this month revealed that they are “on track to issue the most student visas in a year since FY 2016.” Notably, in FY 2022, the US Embassy and Consulates in India set a new record by issuing the highest number of student and exchange visitor visas in a single year.

The strong upward trajectory of Indian students seeking education in the United States is expected to continue, particularly in light of strained relations between India and Canada. The repercussions of this diplomatic tension are likely to redirect Indian students towards destinations such as the US, UK, and Australia for their higher education pursuits.

In a global landscape where education transcends borders, Indian students’ enthusiasm for international learning opportunities remains unshaken. Their resilience and commitment to academic excellence have propelled them to the forefront of global education, reinforcing India’s reputation as a powerhouse of talent and ambition.

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