Home Science and technology Latest Google Updates: Release of Gemini AI

Latest Google Updates: Release of Gemini AI

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Last month, it was reported that Google Drive for desktop had a sync issue which resulted in the disappearance of files that were months or even years old. In the latest version of Drive for desktop app (version or higher), you’ll be able to access a file recovery tool via a few steps: go to the menu bar or system tray, click the Drive for desktop icon, press and
hold the “Shift” key and click “Settings,” and then you’ll be able to hit “Recover from backups.”

From there, you should see a notification saying “Recovery has started,” and hopefully you’ll get a “Recovery is complete” message after a while. You’ll then find a new folder named “Google Drive Recovery” containing the unsynced files on your desktop.

“If you’ve tried to run the recovery tool and are experiencing issues, submit feedback through the Drive for desktop app with the hashtag ‘#DFD84’ and make sure to check the box to include diagnostic logs,” the company said on the support page. There are also instructions for those who prefer trying with command line interface, Windows backup and Time Machine backup.

Along with this update google has announced its new AI model, Gemini. This model is designed to behave in human-like ways, better that what other models can achieve. Gemini is a new artificial intelligence model that outperforms other models in tasks like understanding, summarizing, reasoning, coding, and planning. It comes in three versions: Pro, Ultra, and Nano. The Pro version is already available, and the Ultra version will be released early next year.

Gemini is a large language model (LLM) developed by Google’s DeepMind division. It’s designed to compete with other AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and possibly outperform them.

Currently, Google has integrated the new Gemini Pro with its chatbot Bard which is a direct competitor of ChatGPT. You can have a text-based interaction with Gemini-powered Bard but Google has promised support for other modalities “soon”. The new update is available in 170 countries and territories but it is limited to English.

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