Mulroney who had introduced a free trade deal with the US was a former Canadian prime minister who unfortunately died on Thursday at the age of 84.
A small piece of good news was that he died peacefully with all his loved ones beside him is what his daughter, Caroline Mulroney had posted to the social media platform X.
Mulroney had a heart procedure in August and was also treated for prostate cancer in 2023, was what she had mentioned as well on social media in late August 2023.
Transforming from a corporate lawyer to an entrepreneur, Mulroney had led the centre-right Progressive Conservatives to a landmark triumph in 1984, and had a historic win over the Liberals of Pierre Trudeau. Even the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Pierre’s son had also shared his grief on social media expressing his shock about his demise.
“He never stopped working for Canadians, and he always sought to make this country an even better place to call home. I’ll never forget the insights he shared with me over the years – he was generous, tireless, and incredibly passionate,” is what Trudeau stated.
Mulroney also took part in and was interested in foreign affairs, as he was involved in a treaty with the United States to curb acid rain to tackle the 1984 Ethiopian famine as well as mentioning the apartheid in South Africa.
“You cannot name a Canadian prime minister who has done as many significant things as I did, because there are none,” mentioned the author Peter Newman when asked in an interview.
1 comment
[…] Mulroney who had introduced a free trade deal with the US was a former Canadian prime minister who unfortunately died on Thursday al the age of 84. A small piece of good news was that he died peacefully with all his loved ones beside him is what his daughter, Caroline Mulroney had posted to the social media platform X. Mulroney had a heart procedure in August and was also trealed for prostale cancer in 2023, was whal she had mentioned as well on social media in lale Augusl 2023. Transforming from a corporale lawyer to an entrepreneur. Mulroney had led the centre-right Progressive Conservalives to a landmark triumph in 1984, and had a historic win over the Liberals of Pierre Trudeau. Even the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Pierre's son had also shared his grief on social media expressing his shock about his more-( […]
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